
We extend our deep gratitude to the following individuals and organizations:

Science Collaborators

For guidance with study design, assistance with modeling, and review of analytical methods, we extend our special thanks to Karen McGlathery and Todd Scanlon of University of Virginia’s Department of Environmental Sciences.

For contributing research on stream sedimentation, we extend our special thanks to Christine May of James Madison University’s Department of Biology.

Technical Support

For development and management of GIS-based information about the Rivanna basin, we extend our special thanks to Chris Bruce of The Nature Conservancy, Cheseapeake Bay Funders Network, Rick Odom, and WorldView Solutions, Inc.

StreamWatch Technical Advisory Committee

For general guidance and support, and for review of text and analysis, we thank StreamWatch’s Technical Advisory Committee:

Samuel Austin, U.S. Geological Survey / Greg Harper, Albemarle County /
David Hirschman, Center for Watershed Protection / John Kauffman, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries / Karen McGlathery, University of Virginia / Rick Odom, Ecologist, GIS specialist / Brian Richter, The Nature Conservancy / Todd Scanlon, University of Virginia / William Van Wart, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Volunteers and Interns

Our profound and heartfelt gratitude goes out to the many volunteers and interns who assisted with data collection and data management. We could not have completed this study without your hard work. Thank you!


Jennifer Alexander / Michael Baker / Dav Banks / Cameron Beers / Calvin Biesecker / Steve Botts / Kelly Bowman / Rachel Bush / Nora Byrd / David Carr / Tina Colom / Gus Colom / Cristina Cornell / Erin Cornell / Nancy Cornell / Aaron Cross / Vince Dish / Laura Dollard / Sharon Ellison / Terri Ellison / Brendan Ferreri-Hamberry / Jane Fisher / Nancy Ford / Ned Foss / Doug Fraser / Nancy Friend / Diane Frisbee / James Gano / Kathy Gerber / Nancy Gercke / Repp Glaettli / Helen Gordon / Sean Grzegorczyk / Shane Grzegorczyk / Deb Hackett / Elise Hackett / Ralph Hall / Shirley Halladay / Allen Hard / Bob Henricks / Tana Herndon / Joel Howard / John Ince / Stefan Jirka / Karen Joyner / Jim Kabat / Terri Keffert / Aidan Keith-Hynes / Bronwyn Keith-Hynes / Patrick Keith-Hynes / Frances Lee-Vandell / Vera Leone / Keggie Mallett / Ann McLeod-Lambert / Vicki Metcalf / Susan Meyer / Jill Meyer / Leslie Middleton / Janet Miller / Becky Minor / Maggie Murphy / Sarah Murphy / Rose Sgarlat Myers / Jim Nix / Marianne O’Brien / Cindy O’Connell / Killian O’Connell / James Peacock / Frank Persico / Art Petty / Kristin Pickering / Elena Prien / Patrick Punch / Anne Rasmussen / Nicola (Nicky) Roberts / Pat Schnatterly / Steve Schnatterly / Marjorie Siegel / Susan Sleight / Hugo Spaulding / Will Spaulding / Edward Strickler, Jr. / Ida Swenson / Roger Temples / Pat Temples / Michelle Thompson / Rob Tilghman / Dorothy Tompkins / Rachel Vigour / John Walsh / Tom Walsh / Phyllis White / Frank Wilczek / Pat Wilczek / Steve Sylvan Willig / James Winsett / Laurel Woodworth


Aaron Bloch / Will Devault-Weaver / Kelsey Ducklow / Alissa Gador / Erin Gallagher / Benjamin Hines / Aryn Hoge / Margaret Jarosz / Sarah Kang / Katie Layman / Andrew Moore / Robert Noffsinger / Scott Osborne / Catherine Pham / Eleanor Preston / Peter Swigert / Brian Walton / Megan Wood

StreamWatch Partners

Albemarle Couny / City of Charlottesville / Fluvanna County / Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority / Rivanna Conservation Society / Rivanna River Basin Commission / The Nature Conservancy / Thomas Jefferson Planning Commission / Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District


Major Funders:

Anonymous Foundation
Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund
J & E Berkley Foundation
Virginia Environmental Endowment

Funding Partners:

Albemarle County
City of Charlottesville
Fluvanna County
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
The Nature Conservancy
Private donations

LUS volunteers