Research conducted and descriptions written by Burley Middle School 6th grade students in 2023 with minor editing by RCA staff.

This flower is also known as rough stemmed goldenrod and Solidago rugosa. It is a tall green plant with golden flowers on the top and can grow up to 6 feet tall. It blooms in mid- to late autumn. The ideal habitat is low open woodlands, sandy swamps, wet sand prairies, and sandy banks in marshes and dunes. Usually it is found in moist areas where it is sandy and there is soapstone nearby. It attracts bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, skippers, and beetles. It is good because it is an important source of nectar for many pollinators and it is good for the winter survival of honey bees, because the pollen has healthy fats and minerals for them.

Fun facts: This plant has healing “powers.” In Europe it is used to treat inflammation. It is also used to prevent or treat kidney stones. Golden rod is a source to blame for seasonal allergies.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5